
I drive down a street and pull over to check my map. I grew up a couple miles away but I'm turned around and everything looks the same. I fold out my map and try to recall any visual markers that might help me get back to my planned wandering around Orange County. I'd ask a passerby if there was one, anyone. I'm on a deserted street much like all the others and I start to feel like I'm the only person alive in this county.


Timothy Archibald said...

Hi C-
With this oc project, everytime you make a photograph that has this fog in it, I think it is great. OC fog, fogged trees, and even that nite shot of the mall with minimal fog, it becomes a big metaphorical something.
What you think?

caroline said...

thats a great point - when i first started shooting down there the fog bummed me out b/c i thought it wouldn't read as the oc i pictured in my head which had harsh contrasty hard sun light - i pictured this awful light depicting or mirroring some of the questions i have about orange county's functionality but then this fog kept appearing . . . so i rolled with it and am loving the results - there is a certain haze that hangs over oc even without fog that i hope adds to the mood of the photographs.
thanks for stopping by!